
Partner Login

If you are a Registered Partner login to  use this service:

[ultimatemember form_id=”12988″]

This is not a public website and you cannot use this service without a valid login.

If you do not have credentials (username and password) and your company does have an account with us, please contact us at partners@sphinxbackup.com.

Usernames and Passwords are case-sensitive.
The system will automatically log you out after 20 minute(s) of inactivity.
This service will NOT function without using a browser that accepts ‘cookies’.

Partner Program Sign Up

SPHiNX Partner Program is designed to provide partners with product tools and enriched information to empower SPHiNX partner community in building profitable incremental business with SPHiNX product portfolio. The Partner Program offers not only great advantages to Partners, but it also offers access to specific knowledge base and expert product  repository.

To register as a new partner or to register as a new user of an existing partner, please fill out the Registration Request form: